hybrid event on LifeLive

We host your event

Bringing back the unexpected excitement

  • Real interactive
  • Multiple stages 
  • Any number of users
  • Hybrid or online only
  • Entertainment on demand
virtual christmas party

Charging your virtual event with social energy

Host a public or internal event with all your friends or colleagues around the globe.
LifeLive focuses on intuitive interaction, live entertainment with of social energy!

Attendees love LifeLive because it's different, they forget time and spend hours with their beloved colleagues.

Entertainment on demand


We come from the Berlin club and music scene and have a large network of DJs, live bands and artists of all genres.

Tell us what you're looking for and we'll find it for you!

How it works

1. Book a Demo

We show you around and explain the tool.

You tell us what you need.

2. We take care of everything

  • Creating the event.
  • Hiring the DJs/ live bands.
  • Sending a streaming crew to your offices, if you want the event to be hybrid.

3. Have fun

Don't forget to put drinks in the fridge!