Electronite II
Works best with laptop and Chrome
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We're back with another edition of Electronite, this time live from Berlin and Paris.
To spice up this second edition, we'll be putting two DJ*ane*s collectives from both capitals in charge of mixing the best of the best for six hours straight: @Soundity and @ESITU Records & La Bourlingue.
Thanks to the https://lifelive.io/ platform, it will be possible to switch with a single click between the live floors of Berlin and Paris to enjoy really good beats.
And of course, as in any party, you can meet up with your friends, have a chat and why not connect with other people from both sides of the border or even from further away!
On the decks:
°°°°Berlin Floor: Soundity @Centre Francais de Berlin°°°°
<< Annett Gapstream >> https://soundcloud.com/annettgapstream
<< Madmotormiquel >> https://soundcloud.com/madmotormiquel
<< Marvin Jam >> https://soundcloud.com/marvin-jam
<< Mehr is Mehr >> https://soundcloud.com/mehrismehrberlin
Others TBA
°°°°Paris Floor: ESITU Records and La Bourlingue°°°°
<< Jean Saint-Clair >>https://soundcloud.com/jean-saint-clair
<< Gyres >> https://soundcloud.com/ta7-2
<< Dr Lustig >> https://soundcloud.com/voltr
Others TBA
We thank the German-French Youth Office for their financial support, which allows the collectives and venues to be compensated for their performances and guarantees that the event remains free of charge.